Can I combine multiple discount codes to an order?
Unfortunately, we are unable to combine multiple discount codes at once.
Can I apply my discount code after I've already placed an order?
Unfortunately, we are unable to apply a discount code once an order has already been placed. Discount codes must be applied prior to submitting your purchase. If you would like to place the order again with the code applied, please email with your order number & the full name used to place the order. We'd be happy to cancel your original order as long as the request is made within the hour of placing your original order. Be sure to double check that your new order includes the discount code before completing your purchase!
Promotions are valid while supplies last. Valid one coupon per customer per transaction. Promotions cannot be combined with any other offers. Offer cannot be applied to previous purchases and cannot be redeemed for cash. Terms of offer are subject to change. To prevent fraud or abuse, we reserve the right to discontinue or modify offers or cancel any orders. Exclusions may apply. Unless otherwise stated, discounts are not valid on BYOB Kits.
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